• 8 years ago

Questions you should never ask your boss

Whether you're new to a job or you've been working with your manager for several years, what you ask your boss has the potential to bring your career to a screeching halt.

Annoying your boss with your unprofessional questions, however harmless they may seem, could show you to be incompetent, rude, or even a liability to the company, and it might end up costing you your job.

To help you avoid letting your mouth get the best of you, we asked experts to highlight some of the questions that are best left unasked.

'Where's the bathroom?'

'Who,' 'What,' 'Where,' 'When,' 'Why,' 'How' ...?

'Do I have to?'

'Did you hear ... ?'

"What's his deal?'

'What the f_ _k?'

'Do you want to buy some cookies?'

'How much are you offering her?'

'Are you pregnant?'

'Can you take a look at this rash?'

'Are you so sure about that?'

'Where's a good place to grab a bite to eat around here?'

'Do I get my birthday off?'

'My breakup has got me all messed up. Can I take it easy today?'

'Did I tell you about last night's hookup?!'

'I need to renovate my kitchen. Any chance that I can get a raise?'

'I helped set up the chairs in the conference room. Do I get some bonus pay?'

'I don't have much to do today. Can I go home early?'  

Questions you should never ask your boss
Questions you should never ask your boss
There are some questions that are best left unasked.
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